I really didn't intend my blog silence to go on this long, but my laptop stopped working so I couldn't post.
We really haven't been doing much that is exciting in terms of lesson work. For math we are doing a fraction review block. We've also started with the
Vimala alphabet, and we're fitting in crafting when we can. We have one more week of PE before the winter break.
December is a great month for experiencing performing arts. So far we've seen
The Nutcracker, a holiday choral concert, and a dramatic reading (with music and sound effects) of Truman Capote's
A Christmas Memory.
Saturday I took the boys to the San Diego Natural History Museum; we watched a movie about prehistoric marine animals (Sea-Rex) and took in many of the permanent exhibits; however, our main focus was a limited time exhibition of
All That Glitters: The Splendor and Science of Gems and Minerals. It was a wonderful exhibit of both cut gems
and gems and minerals in their natural state, and touched on crystal forms, hardness, mining, and even semi-precious "gems" that come from living matter such as pearls, jet, amber, and coral. Some of the jewelry pieces were breathtaking!
J-Baby was beyond delighted to touch a
real iron meteorite, something he said he never thought he'd ever do. I didn't realize he'd ever thought about it.
So mostly this month is pretty relaxed, which is often when the best learning occurs. We don't get to the math or handwriting everyday, but we do
do something each day that brings learning.