Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh Fall, Where Art Thou?

It was 100 degrees today, cooling slightly after having reached 105 yesterday and over 100 degrees everyday since Fall arrived last Tuesday. Our Septembers are usually warm; however, these temperatures are 10 - 15 degrees above average. We find ourselves seeking the cool comfort of the movie theater and wishing that the pool wasn't closed for the season.

(I do feel a little old as I look at past weather and see that the highest 9/26 ever recorded in our area was in 1978, because immediately I think to myself Yes, I remember the Indian Summer of 1978.)

Some years I am chomping at the bit to bring out the fall decorations. I try to keep it simple and don't put up much, but we do have some things leftover from when we had a year round nature table. Now I decorate the mantle with what we have plus candles, and we add pumpkins and such as we march toward Thanksgiving.

This year the box is still in the closet; I'm not sure I believe that fall is on its way.

The evenings are cool after 10 p.m. but are nowhere near crisp. The afternoons still glimmer with summer's golden light. Crepe myrtle trees hang vibrant with riotous pink blossoms and the roses show no signs of stopping. Whatever the calendar says, Southern California doesn't seem to buying it this year.

Still, this week I will get out the box and start making the changes in our living room and on the porch. A warm throw will be draped over the rocking chair, ready for a cold morning. The cornucopia will be placed on the mantle along with dancing felt gnomes and a leaf garland, awaiting the first fire of the season. The porch will be dusted and swept, the candle jars cleaned, and a string of lights put up so that we may spend the cool fall evenings outside talking while sipping hot tea and warm milk. Certainly a pumpkin or two will be found at the farmer's market this week and be brought home; by Halloween there are usually dozens. (If we grow nothing else next summer we must grow pumpkins!)

When Fall arrives we will be ready.

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