Thursday, July 31, 2014

Frugal Failures ... July

T came and told me that the library books needed to be renewed, but I was busy and it slipped my mind. We paid $1.60 in overdue fines :(

Papa bought a book Friday night. Cleaning out my paperwork basket Monday I found a 20% off coupon that we could have used, which would have saved about $3.

I realized that I could have saved 20% on my grain mill by ordering from Bed Bath and Beyond once I had an online coupon. This a major mistake, and one I can't remedy because shipping it back would cost as much as I could have saved (it is huge and heavy). This was a $29 mistake!

I set a budget of $50 per teen for them to buy new shoes (both had fraying and holes developing int heir shoes, along with most of the tread worn off). J found a pair for $50 that he liked and that fit, but T had more difficult as every shoe that he liked (he is particular about brand and color, and the brand he likes does last for him) within budget was out of his size. I finally let him buy a pair that was $65. I will watch the ad for the next month in case they go on sale and I can get a refund, but for now this is a $15 fail.

(He's a great kid, is my biggest help around the house, doesn't ask for much, and happily wears thrift store clothing. I saw no reason to make him miserable with shoes that had neon orange or neon green on them.)

I forgot to hang a load of laundry Sunday afternoon, and it was a very humid evening, so I put it in the clothes dryer, which costs about 35¢. That might not seem like much, but it reminds me that using the dryer for every load would cost about $14 per month.

That's almost $50 in failures! I'm glad that this was a practice month, because I need to better in August!

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