Monday, July 14, 2014

Frugal Victories

Today I spent five minutes searching online for a fan. Mine isn't broken; I was just feeling the siren song of more is better. Eventually I decided that I can keep moving the fan from room to room as needed; I don't love doing it, but it beats spending money on another fan and then needing to store that fan when the weather changes. Deciding not to spend money is the easiest way to save it.

I wanted to make lemon sorbet, but I don't have regular sugar in the house, just sucanat, which is too strongly flavored for sorbets. I suppose this is a good thing; it means I haven't cooked sweets in a very long time. I considered going to the store for sugar, then changed that to buying pre-made sorbet, and then I stopped myself and decided that it can wait until I go to the store for loss leaders. I'll buy sugar though, not sorbet. Homemade is cheaper and better. Again, sometimes the easiest way to save money is inaction.

I washed and hung three loads of laundry today.

I turned the thermostat up to 85° even though it was warm and humid. It was a Save Power Day, so hopefully I reduced my usage enough to earn a small credit on my next electric bill.

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