Monday, September 14, 2009

Workbox Whisperings

By the third time T-Guy whispered to me this morning I finally understood what he was saying:

"Mom, J-Baby wants to start the boxes."

I rubbed my eyes, pushed the button on my phone (precisely 7 a.m.), and murmured my consent before rolling over to grab another 45 minutes of sleep. I was awakened by the sound of clattering wooden swords outside my bedroom window. Box 5 ~ Play with your swords outside. I slipped that one in for J-Baby, who had been disappointed last night that it got dark before he could "practice sword fighting".

The boys made it through all 5 self-guided boxes without asking for help at all because they didn't want to wake me up. They didn't need the cards I made at all.

I am loving the workboxes. Oh, last night I wasn't looking forward to filling them when I had an episode of John Adams waiting for me, along with a mango margarita. But it really didn't take long to fill the boxes and everyday I see that it is worth it. T-Guy knows what to expect, J-Baby isn't overwhelmed, and I can get morning chores down while the boys work through the self-guided boxes.

J-Baby asked, "Can we please have sword fighting in the boxes again tomorrow?" Hmm ... 8 boxes may not be enough.


  1. I only have 7!! LOL! I have been thinking the same thing. It is great for school work, but for the fun things I want to set in there, there never seems to be quite enough room. I may need to get the workboxes like she has them set up... but three sets just seems so heavy! I guess Logan would wait for a year or so, but it wouldn't be long before Logan is like J-baby and wants his own too.


  2. I have our workboxes on bookcases that were part of our old entertainment unit. There are cabinets below and 3 shelves; I have 4 boxes per shelf and the top shelf holds homeschool materials. I can't figure out where I would put those if I added more boxes.

    J-Baby is 9 now! Can you believe it?

    I did some of the instructions on the computer ~ things like "Science Main Lesson with Mom". Since then I have mostly used index cards because they are sturdy and easy to use. For some things I use red and green post it flags and there are no written instruction cards necessary.

    I have a plastic shoebox with all of my supplies ~ post-its, flags, index cards, the already printed instructions that are rotated, smaller games, etc.
